Welcome to Transfer Pricing Benchmarking Search Request

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Company Name
Telephone Number(including country code)

The Following Questions are for the Company for the Benchmarking Analysis

Company Name(Preferred for more accurate outcome)
Keywords to describe your business
Industry Code
Top 5 Competitors
Type of transaction
Financial year ended
Financial year range/Covered period
Revenue Level(Local Currency)
Geographic location
Preferred Profit Level Indicator(If Unsure, leave blank and we will contact you to discuss)
Preferred screening ratios(if unsure or not required, leave blank and we will contact you to discuss)
Do you want the report without our transfer pricing benchmarking branding?
Please provide relevant documents to perform the benchmarking analysis(e.g. financial reports, balance sheet, relevant contracts etc.)
Additional Comments(Please provide any other information relevant for the benchmarking analysis)